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Friday, August 10, 2012

Pouches!? We don't need no stinkin' pouches!!

The Kid is addicted to fruit pouches. Any brand, any flavor, any size, she just can't get enough. At least 80 times a day ( ok, maybe more) the Kid begs and pleads for "fru powch?" So while out at the produce place I decided to make my own fruit and veggie mush to see if she would enjoy it.

Awesome sweet corn

Veggies about to be roasted. Purple carrots, golden beets, spinach, broccoli, gala apples, Asian pears, sweet corn, and topped off with some water mixed with a spoonful of sugar and fruit and veggie juice.

After about 2 hours of basically braising the fruits and veggies, I threw them in the food processor with raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries.



This is the processed mix. It looks a little nasty, but it's still a step away from being done.

Putting it through a fine mesh strainer. I wish we had a little pig farm to give the left over mash product to.

A lot smoother now and much thinner. At this point I added in some baby rice cereal and some pre-made apple sauce for extra sweetness because it was still very beet like in taste.

Finished product! Slightly chunky, sweet , lots of apple flavor. It looks and tastes similar to the fruit pouches the Kid so dearly loves, but less than half the cost of buying a weeks worth!

All produce courtesy of

Specialty Produce

1929 Hancock St.
San Diego, CA 92110

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