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Sunday, August 12, 2012

It Was Hot Enough to Roast a Chicken

After a wonderful day hanging out with our chosen family, it was time to have Sunday dinner with some fam I was born into. We went shopping for the building blocks and then picked up G-Ma. Now it felt like the surface of the sun and everyone was hot sweaty ( G-Ma informed us she had taken two showers ), but some how I got it in my head that cranking up the oven to 350 degrees and then stand over it and prep ingredients for a roast chicken dinner.

Rinsed, patted dry, and then lovingly rubbed with butter. Sprigs of thyme and cilantro tucked under the skin. Crushed garlic cloves sprinkled in every crevice available. Then seasoned with sea salt and and fresh cracked pepper and squeeze of fresh lemon.

Swiss Chard, Asparagus, Garlic , and Lemon

Mmmm chopped garlic


Ready to scarf down

Wilting into deliciousness

Like a savory beautiful Phoenix rising from the flame and transforming into sumptuous scrumptuosity. Yeah. Scrumptuosity.

Complete Soul nourishing dinner. Lovingly prepared for my family.

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