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Friday, August 10, 2012

Little Italian Night: Starting the Weekend off Right

We were grabbing some produce from our fab place, Specialty Produce, and the Wife found these incredible heirloom tomatoes

They looked so fresh and fantastic, we had to grab two. These giant tomatoes were probably almost a half pound or more each! As we were checking out we noticed the bunches of basil on the counter and snagged one of those as well. As we drove towards the Wife's work to drop her off, we spit balled some ideas on what to do with those awesome tomatoes and ultimately decided that a light caprese style picnic would be the best choice. So on my way home I stopped at Mona Lisa Deli and grabbed some Italian Dry Salami, fresh Ovalini mozzarella, and also as I waited in line I snatched up a bottle of delightful looking marinated cherry tomatoes.

Scintillating spread awaiting the knife and eager stomachs.

After a run in with freshly sharpened blade.

The Wife approves

Mona Lisa Italian Foods

2061 India St,
San Diego, CA 92101

Specialty Produce

1929 Hancock St,
San Diego, CA 92110

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