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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Left Coast Extravaganza Continues: Monterey or Bust or When We Gonna See Da Fishies Daddy?

We started off this day with a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. After missing the exit ( by alot) we finally made it to the fishes as the Kid would say. There are so many pictures and so many cool things , that i am just gonna bombard you with these images.

Whew we made it folks. That was some cascade of pics. Now I know this seems like we went from food blog to a Mutual of Omaha special ( Hi, I'm Marty Stouffer), but we only ate one time in Monterey and it wasn't that special, but here it goes..

The Kid's pasta

The Wife's pasta with seafood and a cream sauce. It was pretty tasty

I got the combo of Fish and Chicken and Chips. It was nicely fried but the breading kept coming of the fish when I dipped it. Overall not a bad eating experience. After eating lunch we hit the road again so we could make it to San Fran before it got too late. Stay tuned for the exciting two part conclusion!!

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