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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Nozomi is a Homie

This evening my wife and i had one of the best japanese meals i have had in a very long time. We went to a place I have never heard of  called Nozomi situated on the infamous Convoy street. It's a cozy little sushi place with wooden walls and low cielings that gives the feel of an actual place in japan even though i have never been there.

 I started with this appetizer called the Dragon Ball. The menu did not specify what it was, but i saw the avocado in the picture and figured hey i love avocado why not try it. It turns out that this lovely little concotion is layered avocado slices wrapped around a ball of some of the best spicy tuna. They serve it on a small plate with a spoon and its surrounded by this sweet sauce and a pile of the crispy flakes that usually is sprinkled on crunchy rolls.

 We also had the best miso soup ever. It was velvety and rich like no other broth, it definetly had the umami in it.

 Nicole got the Nabayaki Udon which had floating islands of fried tofu, delicate shrimp tempura, a boiled egg, and numerous veggies. Later she found out that it's not so good to save and microwave later haha.


We also ordered a standard issue crunchy roll, but when it arrived it was on a huge platter and covered in a snow drift of crunchy particles and topped with what seemed like fried ramen, but nik said it tasted like potato chips.

 I ordered the Spicy Chicken Bento. It was a nice sized bento wth all the trimmings, but what really made it shine was the delicious dressing on the salad. We have all had the drizzly, ginger slop that usually gets passed off as dressing, but this dressing was glorious. It was thick and creamy and tangy , it coated my mouth with fantastic japanese sunshine and made me feel like i was being kissed on the inside. 

So please go and try Nozomi, it is a gem among a sea of the japanese places that are content and just serving passable fare to whiteys that don't know any better hahaha

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