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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ensenada Cruise

Cruised to Ensenada a couple weeks ago.  (So really, this should be posted up in November, but Thanksgiving came around, and I got lazy.. so.. at least it's here now.)  It took 2&1/2 days to get there, and we got back overnight.  The food on the ship was.. forgettable.. but it was all you can eat.  So, eat we did.

We stopped in Ensenada for one day and we made up for the lack of good food there.  We got off at the port, and looked around town for a little bit.  We ended up haggling with a taxi cab to take us to the blowhole for $35, when the tour buses that were taking people were $15 each.  Essentially we saved about $25 on transportation.  Plus the taxi driver drove crazy and fast, so we probably got there much faster than we would have on a bus. 

First stop, fresh hot crispy churros.  Trav bought some from the first guy we saw (churros had been his mission all weekend), and they were super delish.  For some reason, I don't have the picture of them saved.

Next stop, $1 tacos.

Long line of toppings for your tacos

Aaron and I got carnitas (oh so good!)

..and adobada.  Also so good!

Chowing on tacos

and now,
 blowhole: a haiku

Water rushing up

tiny splashes in my face

ew. Mexi-water.

After visiting the blowhole, we stopped for some fruit. 
I got pomegranate topped with lime and chile. 
Super sour, but I ate the whole refreshing cup.

When we got back in to town, we found an ice cream shop selling fruit popcicles! 
I got strawberry cream.. so yum!

Ann got hers dipped in chocolate

Found cheese balls that tasted like Andy Caps hot fries :)

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